*Morning Motivation* Life is all about perception...

Life is all about perception, it isn’t what happens, its how we perceive it to be, and when crisis occurs in your life, its your choice whether you see it as a problem or an opportunity in disguise.

As Winston Churchill famously said, ‘A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty’, one will empower you and take you onward to success, the other will leave you disempowered and stuck where you are, but the exciting thing is, the choice is all yours, and irrespective of how you’ve chosen to perceive things in the past, at any moment you can change it and begin seeing the opportunity where before you saw the problem.

Ask yourself today, ‘What impact might it have on my life if every time crisis struck I focused on searching for the opportunity instead of focusing on the problem at hand?’

Have an Outstanding Day!


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