December 8

December 8
Waking up today felt like a blessing. Different imaginations racing through my mind as i kept turning around on the bed. Only to close my eye and smile because I was happy. Have come a long way Oyinkansola.
Wow, it December 8 already,i can remember very well how Jan 8 was. Stayed with the most wonderful set of friends for new year,playing cards, making stew, laughing at the guys playing FIFA. To be honest I was happy; although we would have loved to spend it with family in Nigeria, it felt like four of us were family. Resuming final year in University was not fun, dissertation was due in march, I had course work to think of but the joy of the new year was more than the thoughts of final years.
Can remember how lonely n sad I felt in Feb Vals day,i was single and because everyone kept rubbing their relationships on BBM. Gosh, what the big deal with vals, I told a friend while making my Oh well March was full of different problems. I was stressed about my dissertation, course work, preparation for my easter internship, final exams, been broke etc. I was tired and sick, but never lost HOPE n FAITH. Did the exams in April and finished my last paper on my parents anniversary, it was a fabulous day; the first child will be a graduate in a couple of weeks.
Fast forward to June,results were coming out and all I wanted was to pass and Lord knows I prayed everyday because I was scared. Glory be to the God most high I passed. Lol, yup, a young accountant (my dad said over the phone). Summer time was here people, and I had fun, June,July,August was the month to chill and do anything I wanted, even with no money I was happy. Favour was everywhere, I dnt have to beg but I was receiving.
Looking up to the white ceiling in my room, I remembered this song my mum use to sing when ever we passed our exams in secondary school 'Count your blessings name them one by one'....and I can't stop giggling.

When I think of the year 2013, the lord has been so good to me that my blessings can't be listed or counted. The gift of life means more than we think it is, the ability to be able to eat one meal a day is a miracle, the joy of knowing your future is bright no matter what your going through is Faith.
In every problem, every set back, every sadness, Please Smile because you know your Father in Heaven is in control.
Philippians 4:19
King James Version (KJV)
19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


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