*Morning Motivation* Let go of fear

What’s holding you back from letting go and becoming the person I know in your heart you dream of becoming?

Whatever you think it is, if you get it back to the root cause, it always stems from one thing, fear; fear of failure, fear of success, fear that we’re not good enough, you name it, but the truth is, you are good enough, you do deserve to live your dream life and only once you realise that most fear has no basis in reality will you ever have the courage to go after that life with all you’ve got.

Anytime we step outside our comfort zone we’re always going to feel some fear, but those individual who achieve things we admire don’t do so because they never felt fear, they just weren’t willing to let fear rob them of their dreams and took action in spite of the fear, the question is, are you going to let fear rob you of the opportunity to live a life most will only ever dream of?

Ask yourself today, ‘How different might my life look 5 years from now if I stop focusing on the fear and begin taking massive action in spite of it?’


Make it a great day!


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