Love is the most precious feeling, nd it can be the worse feeling ever. Love it is almost like the process of giving. Birth to a child* from trying to conceive, giving birth, raising that child, until they are adults themselves.* same applies to relationships. 1st you go thru the hunting stage*proposing*to stage where you finally win that person's heart. And let' s be clear, they say yes out of all the things we did to win their love, not because of our looks, unless if that person is one of the shallow ones*wink* now the most common thing about love and raising a child is, there is no holiday, its an everyday thing, you keep nourishing and protecting it until the end*mayb death* now imagine a child growing up without parents love and protection, I don't need to spell out what future that child will be facing, same goes for love. Now let's focus on love. The problem is people don't understand the connection between love, life and the times we are living in. As peopl...